8085 Simulator

JU BCSE-III 5th Semester Systems Programming Lab, Assignment 3

View the Project on GitHub PritiShaw/8085-Simulator

Documentation and Manual

Made By following students of A3

Roll No Name
001710501067 Dibyajyoti Dhar
001710501070 Akash Ghosh
001710501073 Rohit Rajat Chattopadhyay
001710501076 Priti Shaw
301810501009 Soumika Mukherjee

Table of Contents

  1. Assignment Details
  2. Simulator Manual
    a. Features
    b. Instruction Set
  3. Flowchart
  4. Structure
  5. Important Functions
  6. Bug Reporting

1. Assignment Details

a. Design a 8085/8086 simulator/assembler which supports macroprocessor using C language following the principle of Two pass Assembler.
b. Show how the generated object code is linked over different functions and show the functionality of loader over that with specific memory location.

2. Simulator Manual

2.a Features

  1. 4MB Memory
    The Simulator’s memory location ranges from 000 to FFF, thus it has 4096 memory locations to work with.
  2. Supports Macroprocessing
    You can use macro to define a block of code, this will make it easy to maintain your code and your code file will be shorter.
    You can pass as many space seperated parameters as you want.


     ; Defination
         INC A
         ADD B
     ; Usage
     ; Result
     INC H
     ADD M

    Please Note: This step does not perform type checking.

  3. Retains Memory State
    Before exit, the state of Memory is dumped in a file which is read when the program is started again. This allows the Simulator to retain its previous state.

  4. Two Pass Assembler

  5. General Purpose Registers and Flag Register
    There are 7 8-bit registers namely A,B,C,D,E,H and L . These can be paired up as BE,DE and HL to make 16-bit register pairs.
    Program Counter(PC) and Stack Pointer(SP) Registers are 16-bit registers, Processor Status Word(PSW) is 8-bit Register.

2.b Instruction Set

The simulator supports all commonly used Instructions used in 8085 microprocessor. It also supports Macroprocessor operations using keyword macro. All numeric inputs are treated as Hexadecimal.

Supported Instructions

Mnemonic Opcode Description Notes
ACI n CE Add with Carry Immediate A=A+n+CY
ADC r 8F Add with Carry A=A+r+CY(21X)
ADC M 8E Add with Carry to Memory A=A+[HL]+CY
ADD r 87 Add A=A+r (20X)
ADD M 86 Add to Memory A=A+[HL]
ADI n C6 Add Immediate A=A+n
ANA r A7 AND Accumulator A=A&r (24X)
ANA M A6 AND Accumulator and Memory A=A&[HL]
ANI n E6 AND Immediate A=A&n
CALL a CD Call unconditional -[SP]=PC,PC=a
CC a DC Call on Carry If CY=1(18~s)
CM a FC Call on Minus If S=1 (18~s)
CMA 2F Complement Accumulator A=~A
CMC 3F Complement Carry CY=~CY
CMP r BF Compare A-r (27X)
CMP M BF Compare with Memory A-[HL]
CNC a D4 Call on No Carry If CY=0(18~s)
CNZ a C4 Call on No Zero If Z=0 (18~s)
CP a F4 Call on Plus If S=0 (18~s)
CPE a EC Call on Parity Even If P=1 (18~s)
CPI n FE Compare Immediate A-n
CPO a E4 Call on Parity Odd If P=0 (18~s)
CZ a CC Call on Zero If Z=1 (18~s)
DAA 27 Decimal Adjust Accumulator A=BCD format
DAD B 09 Double Add BC to HL HL=HL+BC
DAD D 19 Double Add DE to HL HL=HL+DE
DAD H 29 Double Add HL to HL HL=HL+HL
DAD SP 39 Double Add SP to HL HL=HL+SP
DCR r 3D Decrement r=r-1 (0X5)
DCR M 35 Decrement Memory [HL]=[HL]-1
DCX B 0B Decrement BC BC=BC-1
DCX D 1B Decrement DE DE=DE-1
DCX H 2B Decrement HL HL=HL-1
DCX SP 3B Decrement Stack Pointer SP=SP-1
HLT 76 Halt Stop execution
INR r 3C Increment r=r+1 (0X4)
INR M 3C Increment Memory [HL]=[HL]+1
INX B 03 Increment BC BC=BC+1
INX D 13 Increment DE DE=DE+1
INX H 23 Increment HL HL=HL+1
INX SP 33 Increment Stack Pointer SP=SP+1
JMP a C3 Jump unconditional PC=a
JC a DA Jump on Carry If CY=1(10~s)
JM a FA Jump on Minus If S=1 (10~s)
JNC a D2 Jump on No Carry If CY=0(10~s)
JNZ a C2 Jump on No Zero If Z=0 (10~s)
JP a F2 Jump on Plus If S=0 (10~s)
JPE a EA Jump on Parity Even If P=1 (10~s)
JPO a E2 Jump on Parity Odd If P=0 (10~s)
JZ a CA Jump on Zero If Z=1 (10~s)
LDA a 3A Load Accumulator direct A=[a]
LDAX B 0A Load Accumulator indirect A=[BC]
LDAX D 1A Load Accumulator indirect A=[DE]
LHLD a 2A Load HL Direct HL=[a]
LXI B,nn 01 Load Immediate BC BC=nn
LXI D,nn 11 Load Immediate DE DE=nn
LXI H,nn 21 Load Immediate HL HL=nn
LXI SP,nn 31 Load Immediate Stack Ptr SP=nn
MOV r1,r2 7F Move register to register r1=r2 (1XX)
MOV M,r 77 Move register to Memory [HL]=r (16X)
MOV r,M 7E Move Memory to register r=[HL] (1X6)
MVI r,n 3E Move Immediate r=n (0X6)
MVI M,n 36 Move Immediate to Memory [HL]=n
NOP 00 No Operation  
ORA r B7 Inclusive OR Accumulator A=Avr (26X)
ORA M B6 Inclusive OR Accumulator A=Av[HL]
ORI n F6 Inclusive OR Immediate A=Avn
PCHL E9 Jump HL indirect PC=[HL]
POP B C1 Pop BC BC=[SP]+
POP D D1 Pop DE DE=[SP]+
POP H E1 Pop HL HL=[SP]+
POP PSW F1 Pop Processor Status Word {PSW,A}=[SP]+
PUSH B C5 Push BC -[SP]=BC
PUSH D D5 Push DE -[SP]=DE
PUSH H E5 Push HL -[SP]=HL
PUSH PSW F5 Push Processor Status Word -[SP]={PSW,A}
RAL 17 Rotate Accumulator Left A={CY,A}<-
RAR 1F Rotate Accumulator Righ A=->{CY,A}
RET C9 Return PC=[SP]+
RC D8 Return on Carry If CY=1(12~s)
RM F8 Return on Minus If S=1 (12~s)
RNC D0 Return on No Carry If CY=0(12~s)
RNZ C0 Return on No Zero If Z=0 (12~s)
RP F0 Return on Plus If S=0 (12~s)
RPE E8 Return on Parity Even If P=1 (12~s)
RPO E0 Return on Parity Odd If P=0 (12~s)
RZ C8 Return on Zero If Z=1 (12~s)
RLC 07 Rotate Left Circular A=A<-
RRC 0F Rotate Right Circular A=->A
RST z C7 Restart (3X7) -[SP]=PC,PC=z
SBB r 9F Subtract with Borrow A=A-r-CY
SBB M 9E Subtract with Borrow A=A-[HL]-CY
SBI n DE Subtract with Borrow Immed A=A-n-CY
SHLD a 22 Store HL Direct [a]=HL
STA a 32 Store Accumulator [a]=A
STAX B 02 Store Accumulator indirect [BC]=A
STAX D 12 Store Accumulator indirect [DE]=A
STC 37 Set Carry CY=1
SUB r 97 Subtract A=A-r (22X)
SUB M 96 Subtract Memory A=A-[HL]
SUI n D6 Subtract Immediate A=A-n
XCHG EB Exchange HL with DE HL<->DE
XRA r AF Exclusive OR Accumulator A=Axr (25X)
XRA M AE Exclusive OR Accumulator A=Ax[HL]
XRI n EE Exclusive OR Immediate A=Axn
XTHL E3 Exchange stack Top with HL [SP]<->HL

r : Register n : Hexadecimal Number

Unsupported Instructions
RIM, SIM, IN, OUT are not implemented and RST interrupts work like HLT.

3. Flowchart

Click on flowchart to open in new window


4. Structure

  1. State8085
     uint8_t a;
     uint8_t b;
     uint8_t c;
     uint8_t d;
     uint8_t e;
     uint8_t h;
     uint8_t l;
     uint16_t sp;
     uint16_t pc;
     struct Flags cc;
     uint8_t int_enable;
     uint8_t *memory;
  2. Flags
     uint8_t z : 1;
     uint8_t s : 1;
     uint8_t p : 1;
     uint8_t cy : 1;
     uint8_t ac : 1;
     uint8_t pad : 3; // 3 empty
  3. Instruction
     char instruction[16];
     char mnemonics[5];
     char operand[5];
     char toLabel[10];
     char address[5];
     int size;
     intruction_type type;
     int error;
  4. Label
     int lineNo;
     int instNo;
     uint16_t declaration;
     char name[10];
     int linkedFrom[50];
     int linkedCount;
     int references;
  5. Macro
     int parametersCount;
     char name[15];
     char template[10][16];	
     int lineCount;	

5. Important Functions

Init8085 : Allocates memory for the processor and prepares the simulator for execution by reading memory state data from dumped file if present.

getOpcode : Searches in the mnemonics files and returns the hexadecimal opcode for the provided mnemonic.

getMemory : Returns the contents of the Memory location as provided by the user.

setMemory : Allows the user to set the content by providing the memory location.

showRegisters : Allows the user to check all the General Purpose Registers.

updateRegister : Allows the user to set values of General Purpose Register.

showFlagRegisters : Allows the user to check all the Flag bits.

updateFlag : Allows the user to set or unset the Flag bits.

macroProcessor : This parses the Assembly code to find the macro and stores them, it also checks for duplicate macro labels.

generateInstruction : This reads mnemonics from the Assembly code and detects labels, size of the instructions, it also checks for syntax errors.

LoadProgram : Converts the mnemonics to opcode and stores in memory at the location as provided by the user.

ExecuteProgram : Sequential execution of the program starting from the load_address till halt instruction is received.

captureSnapshot : Stores the state (snapshot) of the simulator in a readable file for user reference. The file contains details of Registers, Flag Register, Mnenomics, Opcode and the Memory dump.

dumpMemory : This function dumps the simulator memory in a file which can is read by Init8085 function thus maintaining the state even after the program is closed.

6. Bug Reporting

Found a Bug? Report at Github